Interpretation Center of the
Roman Gold Mining
by Sil
982 428 237
We clarify your doubts
The Romans reached the northwest of the peninsula between the 1st centuries BC. C. and I d. C. looking for gold and other raw materials. His arrival totally changes the organization of the territory of the today UNESCO World Geopark "Montañas do Courel" by adapting it to the achievement of their interests.
Between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. A. Were active more than one hundred auriferous exploitations that, thanks to the geology of this territory and to the deposits of primary gold paleozoico associated to the quartz, provided great resources to Rome.
The UNESCO World Geopark "Montañas do Courel" has many and varied resources (interpretation centers and museums, trails, mines and caves. Catering, accommodation ...
Click on the link to access an interactive map where you will find information about each of them.
Winter Summer
Monday to Friday Monday to Friday
Saturday, Sunday and holidays Saturday, Sunday and holidays